machines // magic // imago
Personal Structures 2024
zoom in and out in your browser
scroll in all directions
look for hyperlinks
A continuous row of interactive displays accross the walls in a dimmed/ dark room: multiple gate portal to the digital environment. The size of the monitors covers the entire viewer’s visual field. For those exploring the environment, this produces a visually quasi-immersive experience. Those witnessing the interactions will perceive the monitors as windows into another world, a contemporary version of the familiar arcade experience.
The installation is both a portal to the online microverse, and a theatre for interactions. It is conceived as an evolving environment, a network that throughout the duration of PERSONAL STRUCTURES will come alive and grow through conversations, teaching experiences, artistic performances, jam sessions, shamanic ceremonies and rituals, coding sessions and other collaborative experiences.
Formal and informal teaching sessions/ courses/lectures
A number of visual + sound artists will be producing works specifically for the environment.


AA system of speakers will provide a sensorial experience of the space. Directional speakers connected to each display contribute to blending the physical and digital spaces.
A low frequency vibrational sustem which responds to the rest of the room can provide a physical unique experience of the space and improve engagement

Mobile devices installation
We are currently in the last phase of development of a custom system called IPXEL for a mobile device-based installation. Visitors can access the work through their mobile devices. IPXEL synchronizes the mobile devices (see video) so that they show fragments of one single large image, thus becoming windows into a large digital space. Casual visitors can ‘play’ collectively to form a mosaic of visuals and sounds.
